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What does NRW.BANK do?

In its capacity as the promotional bank for North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW.BANK supports the federal state in the completion of its structural and economic policy tasks. The Bank acts on behalf of the public sector in a competition-neutral manner and uses the full range of promotional products – from classic loans to customised advice. Its three promotional fields are “Economy”, “Housing” and “Infrastructure/Municipalities”. Sustainability is a central guiding principle in this context. NRW.BANK promotes the necessary transformation of North Rhine-Westphalia towards a low-emission and climate-smart economy.

In contrast to commercial banks, NRW.BANK’s customers are mostly house banks and other promotional intermediaries. In the relationship to other banks, NRW.BANK strictly respects the principle of non-discrimination. Its cooperation with the cooperative and private banks as well as the savings banks follows the house bank principle in a competition-neutral manner.

NRW.BANK’s business focuses on the promotional areas defined in Verständigung II. Even the Bank’s predecessor, Landesbank NRW, no longer pursued any competitive business (e.g. commercial real estate finance, issue of new mortgage bonds).

To fulfil its mission, NRW.BANK operates in the following segments:

  • securing and improving the small and medium-sized business sector, especially finance for business start-ups and business expansion,
  • state social housing promotion,
  • providing venture capital,
  • urban development,
  • infrastructure initiatives,
  • agricultural, forestry and rural initiatives,
  • environmental protection, technological and innovation initiatives,
  • social, cultural and scientific initiatives.
  • Financing projects in the community interest

In the context of its mission, NRW.BANK may provide financing to central, federal and local governments and special-purpose associations under public law and participate in projects financed by the European Investment Bank or comparable financing institutions in the interest of the community.


To the extent that this is directly related to its tasks, NRW.BANK may, in addition to its treasury business, also engage in risk management, raise subordinated liable capital and issue unsecured bearer bonds, profit participation rights, public covered bonds and other bonds.

NRW.BANK in 60 seconds

NRW.BANK is the promotional bank of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Its mission is to support its owner – the state of North Rhine-Westphalia – in the completion of its structural and economic policy tasks. In its three promotional fields “Economy”, “Housing” and “Infrastructure/Municipalities”, NRW.BANK uses a wide range of promotion tools – from low-interest promotion loans to equity financing to promotional advisory services. It cooperates with all banks and savings banks based in NRW on a competition-neutral basis.


Explanatory video: house bank principle (German)

With the house bank procedure, we work together with your bank to promote your project. But what does it mean and how does it work? Our video offers clarification.

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